
List of research database titles, descriptions and links


Information on books and authors.
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African American Heritage

African American Heritage

Primary sources devoted specifically to African American family history, including census records, vital records, freedman and slave records, church records, legal records, and more.
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Ancestry Library Edition Library Edition

The world’s most popular genealogy collection—with census reports, city directories, public records, military records, immigration and naturalization records, and more.

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Chilton Library

Chilton Library

Get the detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs.
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EbscoHOST Databases


Full-text searching of journals and books from the most academic publishers, magazines and leading research databases.
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Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.
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Granville Newspaper Archive

Granville Newspaper Archive

 View the Granville Times (1880-1987), Granville Sentinel (1941-2011), Granville Denisonian (1898-1899), Granville Times and Denisonian (1899), and Granville Licking Pioneers and Issac Smucker Scrapbook (1867-1926) for free.  

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Heritage Quest Online

Heritage Quest

HeritageQuest Online provides genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s.
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Literary Reference Center

Literary Reference Center

This rich full-text database provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, professors and researchers a foundation of literary reference works to meet their research needs.
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Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

In depth overviews that summarize all critical aspects of a topic in a format that can be easily digested in 30 minutes or less.
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Points of View Reference Center

Points of View Reference Center

This resources presents multiple sides of an issue and provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
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Sanborn Insurance Maps

Sanborn Insurance Maps

The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Online Checklist provides a searchable database of the fire insurance maps published by the Sanborn Map Company housed in the collections of the Geography and Map Division. 
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World Book Online

World Book

The online version of World Book Encyclopedia offers articles suited for grades 4-12 and adults. With a dictionary, printable maps, photographs and illustrations, World Book Online also features audio, video and virtual reality presentations that let you explore places in the world in 360 degrees.
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World Book Early World of Learning

World Book Early World of Learning

Emergent learners will engage in an interactive and playful environment that encourages reading comprehension and mastery of phonetic skills. Early World of Learning is full of stories, videos, songs, and games to provide a firm foundation for 21st-century learning and digital citizenship.

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World Book Kids

World Book Kids

An effective online resource developed especially for primary students. The site has been optimized for tablets and features image-based navigation, easy-to-read articles, thousands of images and videos as well as a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.

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